Archive by Author

Two aces - an exact match

Why you need an exact match domain

  An Exact Match Domain? Really? But I already have a domain name for my website. Uh huh. But it might not be working as hard as it should to bring you new business online. Which is why you have a website, right? Maybe you haven’t yet asked yourself the Big Question: what ACTION should […]

Star ratings for online reviews

Reviews: Who Trusts Your Business?

I’ve just been reviewing the latest research on how people use reviews online. And it’s an eye-opener. Faster now than ever, consumers are quickly deciding if they trust a business. The respected Local Consumer Review Study from BrightLocal shows that 88% of consumers read less than 10 reviews before they form an opinion. And the […]

Retarget your prospects

How Visitor Retargeting Works

My post about retargeting will answer a question you’ve probably asked yourself: how come those ads are following me wherever I go on the web?! If you spend much time online, you’ve almost certainly been retargeted. It’s when you visit a website and then, mysteriously, no matter where you go after that, you see ads […]

The Big question about website conversion

What’s the Big Question most business owners don’t ask about their website?

  Yes, I know. It’s frustrating when you’re trying to run a business and people keep telling you about all the stuff you should be doing online. Sure, you had a website built but, as far as you can tell, it’s not giving any benefit to your business. None. At. All. It might be a […]

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